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Economic Development and Economic Growth

Economic Development and Economic Growth by Snigdha Chatterjee We often used the word Economic Development and Economic Growth as a parameter of economic indicator of a country. Most of the cases we used the two words for the same meaning, but there are a number of differences between the two words, Economic development and Economic growth. Here mainly we discuss the differences of the Economic development and Economic growth and also discuss the important terms of Economic development. What do we mean by Economic growth? Different economists have used the term economic growth to convey different meaning. In some cases the concept differ in essence, whereas the other only emphasis. Though economic growth is very much vital measurement to indicate the economic well-being of a nation but economic development is used as a vast sense than the economic growth. In simple sentence, it can be say that if the Gross domestic product (GDP) of a nation increases, than the per capita income of
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Deed of settlement or "patta"

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Land reform in India

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GST Good OR Bad

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After the implementation of GST there are lots of confusions arises among the common people, traders, business man and manufacturer about the taxation system, the main confusion surrounded between the two taxation terms that is input tax credit and reverse charge mechanism (RCM). As our GST rule all we know in a business, if the annual turnover in a financial year is within Rs 20 lakh (Rs10 lakh for north eastern and hill states) then he have not required paying GST. But the confusion arises when the rule is going to the market. From the earlier discussion  How GST works it was shown that the whole GST process is actually a chain system. That means if manufacturer pay GST when he buy inputs and wholesaler buy the finished product with the proper GSTN(GST registration number),then wholesaler are eligible to claim input tax credit from the government. The Indian industrial sector are divided two parts organized sector and unorganized sector. Many big industrial sectors d

Input tax credit

                                  After the implementation of GST it is clear to us that it is a single tax system throughout the country, replace all type of indirect taxes of states, union territories and central. In GST system there are four types of collecting tax is introduced that is SGST-tax collected by states, CGST-tax collected by central ,UGST-tax collected by union territories and IGST-collected by central government for interstate sale. That is GST eliminates the cascading of taxes that is ‘tax on tax’ system. Now the main confusion arises when the term input tax credit comes. It is closely linked with the estimation of GST system. Now, what is input tax credit? It is the credit that an individual received for the tax on the inputs used in manufacturing the product .i.e if 10% tax he paid to buy an inputs then next step when the finished product he sale, he must be subtract the amount he has paid in taxes at the time of purchase of inputs and submit th