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Covid-19 Protection Village Level, India
Maintain Social distancing in Village level

Today I am telling you some of the silent workers who help us to overcome the situation of Covid-19 during the lockdown situation in village level. During the last few years I was associated with a civil society organization of development work. During the time I used to go various remote villages in the Jharkhand region to enhance their livelihood and develop structures of institution through various programs. Here structures and organization means community based organization like Self help groups, Village organization etc. Those who are in corporate sector hardly know about these, but in the current situation these structures play a vital role throughout the country. In these community based organization (CBOs) leading role have been played by the village women. Most of the members are illiterate but the unity and activeness to do something is surprised you. On the one hand they do their daily household work on the other hand they handle their kids, earning some amounts to work as a labor and attend these CBOs to get more opportunities in livelihood and somehow secure their futures by getting loans and save a small amount of money in their self help groups . Villages are the back bone of every industrial cum agriculture based countries and now these tribal women villagers take big responsibilities towards development of the country.

In economics we read various types of theory but practically we see that the uses of these theories are limited in our copies and survey sheets. The outcome of the research take a nice look of articles but the benefits of the outcome merely comes towards the grassroots levels .In these contest I would like to say that civil society organization and NGOs immensely work with these community levels and regularly develops various strategies to assemble these structures. In these lines I want to bold that if these organizations (CBOs) get more support from us, then there must be a flashing scenario develops.

During the Covid -19 pandemic breakdowns, when most of the world compels to stay at home, at this time these CBOs built a wonderful example as an Indians. All we know that In India we have 130 crore populations and when we heard the news of broke out of these pandemic in the western countries then most of the experts worried about to imagine  the broke out of this pandemic in India due to huge population and limited availability of infrastructures. Our central and state Governments, Doctors, nurses, police, and administration set brilliant examples to handle this situation. In the meantime this CBO structures which does not come into the flash light but worked silently. 

Making Masks in Village

In the village level SHG members made masks and distributed among the villagers, maintaining social distance and aware their natives about the covid-19.Moreover they support the distress peoples by contributing food from their limited resources. They distributed foods from village organizations (V.O) funds and set example of, “where there is wish there is way”. The unity which tells us to do something is really addressable and more focus needed to cheer up this affords.

Kitchen Didi Program

Most of the state Governments with the help of these structures reaches among the remote villages. Mukhya mantra didi kitchen is one of the examples of that. Active V.O members take the responsibilities to make the food and served among the distress, workless labors and who have not food. V.O members provide the services throughout the panchayet within a block. Day and night services which lend a hand to feed a number of hunger people of these villages really remarkable. They also aware the common protectiveness such as wash hands, use masks and maintain social distancing to overcome the situation of Covid -19 .I Salute their relentless effort which protect us from starvation and help to step up one stair to win the war from Covid-19.




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