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Types of Patta or Deed of settlement prevail in India

Types of Patta
he special lands which government holds are distributed among the landless family in four ways. So we can say that there are four types of deed of settlement or patta prevail in India.

They are  1) Agriculture patta , 2)Nijo Griho Nijo Bhumi (NGNB) 3) Forest patta and 4)Refugee Patta
1) Agriculture Patta –Agriculture patta mainly given for agriculture purpose to share copper and tenant farmers.(maximum amount of land that have given  by the government is one acre, depending upon how much barga farmers actually hold.)Agriculture patta really motivates the landless farmer and encourage to implement the new technique to produce more. Before the agriculture patta where share copper bound to produce only paddy and potato for the demands of land lord .Now they are free to cultivate the new crops, like sweet potato (scientific name pachyrhizus erosus), tomato, cash crops on their own field and enjoy a cash-able amount .Agriculture patta turn their life and secure the minimum amount of food security and social security to these family.

2)NGNB(Nijo Griho Nijo Bhumi)- NGNB prakalpo(own house own land program) was launched on 18th  October ,2011 in West Bengal by  the hon’ble chief minister .Government providing maximum 5 decimal land to each identified family who are really eligible for that. Family who are landless homestead less, village artisans , fisherman ,agriculture laborers belong in rural area are eligible(depending on their income level and social status).This type of patta being distributed jointly in the name of both husband and wife or in the name of woman who is the head of the family. The objectives of these types of patta to secure their ownership and transform their life from poverty to prosperity.

3) FRA(Forest right act,2006)-This type of patta given  to the tribal and traditionally forest dwellers ,who are entirely depend on forest for their lively hood(like collecting wood, honey ,leaves from the forest).In case of non tribal family ,who are habitant in the forest area more than 75 years are also eligible for these type of patta. This type of tribal family also engaged themselves in agricultural works in forest fringe area.

4) Refugee relief and rehabilitation patta –These type of patta started mainly after the partition of India (1947).When a large number of people forced to leave their homeland and came to India.

In most of the cases government distributed special land, which government hold after the ceiling of the land holding, in the form of patta. But in some special cases if government has not any special land in this area then government purchase land and distributed among them. In both of the cases prohibition applied that beneficiary cannot right to transform the classification of land, or sale the land.(Change the classification of land means changing the land structure, like if the land is low land you change it in pond or if you use agriculture land as a homestead land.)
Government provide various training program  to the patta beneficiary to develop their livelihood and to use this land up to level, such as how they make use of their agriculture land ,which types of crop cultivation give them more benefit, rearing of backyard animal, how to utilize their kitchen garden etc.

Conclusion-Though government takes various steps to develop the life of the vulnerable family and want to mainstream their life with the society, but some vigorous steps needed to reform the life of such marginalized segment of the society ,like there must be some skill building training on dominant livelihood activities such as agriculture, animal rearing ,horticulture, sericulture, mushroom cultivation or hand and craft training followed by some inputs from the respective line of departments so that the beneficiaries can utilize the skill in a productive way.


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