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conomics related issues mainly are a focusing part of economics. It shows how the economics is related with our social life. Merely we have an idea that economics mean demand and supply at micro and macro levels and lots of calculation, but apart from this economics is a social science also. All the theories, calculation of economics are made to change our life and to find the way of uplift our society. Through this site I am trying to focus how economics is intensely related with our social life and how it helps us to improve our day today life. Through my blogs I will discuss more economics and less and simple calculation, which will help not only the economics learner but also the common people who really want to know the inner economics.

Now, I tell you about me,My name is Snigdha .I am married and we have a child. I have completed my masters in economics. After that I joined a job in the N.G.O sector, where I found how the economics is immensely related with the social life. In the N.G.O sector when I spent one month at an interior village in Westbengal, as a part of my N.G.O training, I really feel the meaning of the popular economics line “A country is poor because it is poor”.

My blogging career is not so much long. I am just a beginner blogger. I gathered my ideas about blogging from internet. I really enjoy the journey because it is the platform where you able to share your ideas with the world.

My first article in is How gst works .In this article I try to focus on  the basic calculation part of G.S.T. You may also like my tax related articles also, like

Hope you like my site.

                                 thank you.


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