Land is considered a valuable asset for all of us. In simple
term if we define what is land we can say that it is that part of earth surface
which is not covered by water and which is dry, but in real sense we are
bothered that part of the land which is
usable for human survival and development. We know that earth is containing
three part of water and one part of land. But in this one part of land people
are not able to use that part of land which is situated in high hill area,
desert area and the area which is covered with dense forest. So, the land which
is near the river is very much valuable and precious for human being.
For survival land is considered a productive capital. History
tell us that many war had been happened to protect own motherland, but due to
its fixed nature the pressure on land increased day by day with increasing
population .Though our modern technology try to increase the portion of land
artificially in the earth surface through land reclamation or land fill (is the
process creating new land from ocean riverbed and earth bed).
In economic sense our economic sector is divided in to three
sectors. Primary sector, secondary and tertiary sector .In primary sector
agriculture plays a vital role and in this sector it is the main source of
income. In secondary and tertiary sector production and service sector plays
their role. As per our economic structure in underdeveloped and developing
countries the percentage of income mostly comes from agriculture sector. On the
contrary in developed countries most of the income comes from secondary and
tertiary sector. So in developed countries we can observe that the facilities
of banking sector, railway services, airway services, new invention are more
than the underdeveloped countries.
In this three sector though land is an important factor of
production, but pressure on land is comparatively high in primary sector which
is the main source of income of underdeveloped countries and developing
countries. More over high population rate, illiteracy, disguised unemployment
creates a massive pressure on land. In short in underdeveloped countries
families like labour, tenant, agriculture laborers faced a miserable condition as
they have not their own land and without agriculture they have also not any
other options of income.
To release this type of pressure on land, land reform in India reform plays an important role. In the post of independence through land reform
government try to minimize the disputation of land. The basic objectives of
land reform is to abolish Zamindari, Mahalwari and Ryotwari system, Confirm the
ownership of land holding and implement the ceiling of land holding.
A large portion of land which government gets through
ceiling of land holding is known as special
land. Government redistributes this land as per the need of this landless
people with proper papers. This System is known as “Did of settlement” or locally known as “Patta”, through this the land less family now able to confirm their
meal through farming.
It is really need to judge the matter in how much this type
of government steps eradicate poverty and push the under developed economy
towards developed once.
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